Per NFPA 1962
Hydrostatic testing per NFPA Standards requires unique, specialized equipment not commonly found in most Fire Departments. NHTS has the right tools and equipment to accurately and safely perform this testing.
NFPA 1962, 2013 Edition requires nozzles and fire hose appliances to be static tested annually. The static test requires the nozzle and/or the appliance to be tested at 50psi increments for 30 seconds each until reaching 300 psi and then hold for 1 minute. During this test all nozzle valves are off and appliances are capped.
With this test NHTS is looking and testing for leaking valves, missing parts, damaged threads and catastrophic failure. Items commonly tested would be nozzles, hydrant valves, hydrant gate valves, gated wyes, water thief’s, siamese, various manifolds, monitors, in-line gauges, etc. Tested are mostly items that can be capped or shut off. Items not usually tested would be caps, adapters, reducers, elbows, double males, double females and the like.

Why annual certified testing is important
Read the story
Annual Service includes:
Hydrostatic Testing on Nozzles and Fire Hose Appliances
Visual Inspections
Bar Code Number Labeling
Testing Documentation
What does it cost to have NHTS, Inc. test my Fire Department’s hose?
Every department is unique, but generally it is based on quantity. Contact us for a free quote.
How long does it take to test one engine?
Depending on how much hose your engine carries, the working area and the water supply, but generally, an average of two to two and a half hours. Contact Us for more details for your specific needs.

Hydrostatic Testing
NHTS has designed and built equipment that meets NFPA 1962 standards.
Our equipment safely and properly pressurizes the nozzles and appliances to perform the non-destructive testing per NFPA requirements. NHTS uses certified and calibrated test equipment as required by NFPA.
Visual Inspection
NHTS will inspect the nozzles and appliances for obstructions, damage, valve operation, broken or missing parts, and for any major leaks. The real benefit of this testing is we can catch catastrophic failure before it happens on the fire ground in a safe and controlled environment.
Barcode Number Labeling
Many of the items to be tested are purchased with no individual numbering system. If the department has not their own number system NHTS will label each item as needed with a durable barcode. Individual numbering is needed for accurate and complete documentation.
Testing Documentation
NHTS records test date, size, description, test pressure, location (apparatus), Pass/Fail and reason for failure on each item tested. Documentation includes a Certificate of Completion, printed records as well as a CD in excel format.
The Benefits of Hiring NHTS:
Reduced Liability
Annual hose testing is required by NFPA and OSHA. With hose testing properly completed, per NFPA standards, liability is reduced to the fire department, to the firefighters and to the community they protect. Not testing or not properly testing has the potential of both monetary and physical disaster to all involved.
Third-party Testing
It is related to reduced liability but it is knowing that this task has been properly completed with no hidden agenda. The specialists of NHTS, Inc. know what needs to be done and what they are doing.
We do not sell hose.
Test Result Documentation
Perhaps the most important aspect of our service is that it includes the documentation. You receive a personalized book includes various reports and an individual hose record for each hose tested.
Reduced Engine Wear
Fire hose testing from an engine can cause overheating and pump damage. It may also void new equipment warranties and be a concern to insurance companies. NHTS, Inc. uses its own custom designed test equipment to test your fire hoses.
Reduced Risk from Fire Hose Testing
Most attack hoses manufactured after July 1987 require 300 or 400 psi annual service testing (see NFPA 1962). These test pressures, without proper equipment, put testing personnel at risk.
Saves Time & Money
Testing requires time that could be used for training, education, inspections and other increasing fire department responsibilities. We also provide a cost comparison to show actual department cost vs. using NHTS, Inc. for service testing.
Tests Are Performed by Qualified Personnel
Proper Testing Equipment
Quality, Safe Workmanship
Bundled Service Advantage
Bundled Services
Consider the advantages of testing both your fire hose and ground ladders together. Reducing out-of- service time is always a goal of fire departments. NHTS, Inc. can test both fire hose and ground ladders at the same time. Your engine will only be out of service once with very little additional time needed to do both without having two separate schedules. In addition, NHTS, Inc. will also reduce the rate per foot for Ground Ladder Testing when both are done together. Evaluate the time savings that completing ground ladder and hose testing together can provide for your department. Call us and ask about the positive response we are seeing from fire departments who have chosen to implement this program.